SELF SELF SELF: buckling can be a dangerous knowledge. No matter how quickly we want to get on the road or if there is rain pounding on my rear as it sticks out of the car. "Self, self, self" she says as she wants to buckle her car seat. I do all the rest and she occasional feels that she is being restricted of her freedom to learn when I do not allow her to do the other parts of the contraption.
Friday, July 16, 2004
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Straw = Soda. You have a straw in your cup therefore it must be soda...unless it is lemonade. Yemoyade. If I have a cup in the driver's cupholder it is a signal to the little C to ask for Soda or Yemoyade. Ah, LOGIC!
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Okay. Here's love for ya: play smack down on Mama's arm and then lean in and give me a big wet kiss. Step 3: start all over again. Sweet kid.