Friday, January 30, 2004

Even on a holiday - Shabbat for instance, a schedule of ritual is good. At 15 months Charlotte Dahlia knows that we light candles, say Kiddush over the wine (she gets some and leans in for the kill), and bless the Challah (which she clamors for as well). Don't wait for your kid to ask for religious ritual........YOU are the adult.

A "memory moment": When Charlotte Dahlia was nursing (weaned herself at one year), she would stop nursing and push away when she was ready to burp. It was interesting how she knew, more than I, when she was ready for a pause in feeding. If you listen closely, your child speaks to you in a language that is far more simple than words.

Today Charlotte Dahlia taught me that she knows what her "ugh, ugh, ugh" and cranky crying will do: it gets her a response. So, the slower I respond and the more WORDS I give to her to use instead of the sounds...the more patient she will be. You CAN'T always get what you want OR at least not as fast as you want.

Today and Yesterday I used advice from Kira. Charlotte- hand me your cup, spoon, etc when you're finished...that is intsead of throwing that item to the floor from the high height of her highchair.

Well, I'm off to make Italian Wedding soup.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Just starting on this interesting adventure: both blogging and the first of Charlotte Dahlia's 15th month. A friend blogs and I figured that I could use this as an outlet for my wondering, wandering and wonderful stuff about being an at-home-Eema.